Thomas Capricelli archive
Author: Thomas Capricelli

October 26, 2012

Mercurial Mirror For Django 1.5 branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

Django has just released the first alpha for the next big release, 1.5. As such they created the 1.5.x branch that will lead to the 1.5.0 release and then will become the stable branch. I do not intend to use the 1.5 branch before the final release, but I’ve already setup the mirror nonetheless. The mirror […]

September 11, 2012

Bugfix release for hgactivity : 2.1 is out

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Software
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Several small modifications and bug fixes have landed on the hgactivity repository. For those not using a clone of the repository, I’ve released 2.1. Homepage Announcement Download

June 21, 2012

New Django mercurial mirrors aimed at production servers

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 4 Comments

When Django was still using subversion, I used to mirror stable branches (1.2 when I started, 1.4 recently). This worked well and I could clone those repositories on production servers, and then it was just a matter of ‘hg pull -u’ to bring updates/fixes. Now.. Django has moved to git. I won’t comment on how […]

June 12, 2012

Unofficial mercurial mirror for Django that works

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 5 Comments

The documentation for Django mentions an “official” mirror for mercurial. Django got us used to a very high standard when it comes to quality. Unfortunately, this is exactly the contrary for this mirror. It’s quite often broken, or not updated, or both. The last itch is that nobody has taken care of it since the […]

March 30, 2012

Mercurial Mirror For Django 1.4 branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

Another Django release, another branch, another mercurial mirror…  Cloning this one will costs you ~35Mb on your hard disk, compared to 167Mb for the official django mirror. This is updated once a day from the official svn, and it’s gonna stay for a long time : For some reason, the 1.4 branch was not […]

January 11, 2012

Compiling firefox-9.0 on linux PPC

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo
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Comments: 2 Comments

The good point is that yes!, it is possible to compile firefox 8.0 or 9.0 on linux-ppc. General point of view The mozilla foundation has stopped supporting the PPC platform for firefox starting with version 4.0. Gentoo ebuilds, quite understandably, followed upstream by removing ppc keywords for all firefox ebuilds >=4.0. Though… I still have […]

January 8, 2012

DjangoRedmineAdmin 1.0 released

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django, Software
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Comments: 1 Comment

I recently needed (again) to ‘browse’ a redmine database, and I used my DjangoRedmineAdmin application to do so. I took this opportunity to update the code and doing some more tests/fixes. As a result I decided to tag this as 1.0. The main modifications are: updated to comply with current redmine version (1.2.1 and 1.3.0) […]

December 2, 2011

Celery init scripts for Gentoo

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django, Gentoo
Tags: No Tags
Comments: 6 Comments

I’m using django-celery on a project. The only difficult part was that gentoo ebuilds would not provide init scripts. It might be that some ebuilds in some obscure overlay provides those, but this was far too far away from the mainstream portage tree for me. Yes, the documentation about celery has some scripts using supervisord, […]

November 14, 2011

New lightweight admin-oriented linux kernel mercurial mirror

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo, Linux kernel
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Comments: 3 Comments

On most servers I’m responsible for, I use to compile my own kernels. Instead of downloading/applying patches, which is cumbersome, I was using the (now broken) mercurial mirror It was great as i just had to do something like “hg pull -u; hg up -r v2.6.xx” to update my tree. Though, this has several […]

November 9, 2011

EmergeActivity gets a graphical interface: releasing 2.0

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo, KDE, Software
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I’m still using this small utility that displays the activity of ’emerges’ on the misc gentoo boxes I’m admin for. I’ve wanted to add a graphical interface for very long, but did not have the time… until recently. So here it is. It is available for download from the homepage and as a mercurial clone.