Thomas Capricelli archive
Author: Thomas Capricelli

June 28, 2024

Mercurial Mirror For Django 5.1 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Upstream just released the first beta. Now is the time to start the new mirror. For the record, those mirrors are read-only, and aimed at production (aka “I want an easy way to update Django on servers “), not development (aka “i wanna commit”). While I was there, I also removed the mirrors for long-obsolete […]

January 31, 2024

Custom logo on miniware MHP50

by orzel
Categories: electronic
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The documentation is pretty terse: “160×80 pixels 16-bit (RGB656) BMP”. Here’s how it can be done, at least from linux, but probably also from most other operating systems. From what I understand, neither gimp nor (imagemagick) convert can create them. That’s kinda shocking as those were the most obvious choices, and linux tools have a […]

December 5, 2023

Mercurial Mirror For Django 5.0 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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The mirror is up and running since the first beta or so, but I forgot to mention it on the blog. Now that 5.0 is officially released, it seems a perfect timing to fix that. For the record, those mirrors are read-only, and aimed at production (aka “I want an easy way to update Django […]

February 14, 2023

Mercurial Mirror For Django 4.2 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Slightly late, but here’s the 4.2 mirror. As usual, read-only, and aimed at production (aka “using django on servers “), not development (aka “commit”).

November 14, 2022

System Administration

Nextcloud and Keycloak integration

by orzel
Categories: Admin
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I want to use a Keycloak instance (SSO provider) for authenticating users on a nextcloud application. Since version 19, nextcloud has an “official” plugin for connecting to an openid server (one of different SSO protocols). The plugin is called “OpenID Connect user backend” (official plugin, github). The only kind of documentation they provide is this […]

September 16, 2022

Testing IMAP IDLE/NOTIFY with python

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Software
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I have to troubleshoot a buggy relationship between a mail client (thunderbird) and an IMAP server (dovecot), regarding notification. That’s when the server informs the client about new mails, as opposed to the client polling the server to get this information. There’s this stackoverflow thread with some very useful exemple code. Unfortunately, it’s old, and […]

May 18, 2022

Mercurial Mirror For Django 4.1 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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The usual ‘production’ mirror for the recently announced Django 4.1.

March 13, 2022

Hacking the Game & Watch on Gentoo

by orzel
Categories: Gentoo
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At the end of 2020, Nintendo has released a new version of his famous “Game & Watch” mini console. It looks like the old-school one, but has a real screen (with pixels, even color !), a modern microcontroller (a beefy STM32) and three mini-games, only one of which is actually a previous G&W. The MCU […]

October 28, 2021

Mercurial Mirror For Django 4.0 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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The first beta for Django 4.0 was just announced, and it’s time for another ‘production’ mercurial mirror.

January 21, 2021

Mercurial mirror for Django 3.2 branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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As usual when Django releases a new Alpha version, I’ve settled a new mirror. The URL (both web and clone) is As stated before, I no longer use bitbucket as they’ve dropped support for mercurial. Shame on them ! 🙂