Thomas Capricelli archive
Tag: Baloo
May 20, 2014
KDE Community: be liberal with ourselves, be harsh with others
(yes, the title is a tribute to the robustness principle) Censored In quite an aggressive move, I’ve been censored by KDE. My blog has been removed from kdeplanet. The only information I have so far is a mail (and this): SVN commit 1386393 by jriddell: Disable Thomas Capricelli’s blog for breaching Planet KDE guidelines CCMAIL:orzel@xxxxx […]
May 3, 2014
Fix Baloo on KDE using the same trick as once used with Nepomuk
update: this post made me banned from KDE planet in a very rough way Nepomuk Problem Since the daunting day of the kde 4.0 release, I’ve been struggling with nepomuk. I’m no random user, i know about low-level programming, i/o bound, cpu bound stuff, and I kinda tried to have it working. I failed […]