Thomas Capricelli archive
Tag: python
September 16, 2022
Testing IMAP IDLE/NOTIFY with python
I have to troubleshoot a buggy relationship between a mail client (thunderbird) and an IMAP server (dovecot), regarding notification. That’s when the server informs the client about new mails, as opposed to the client polling the server to get this information. There’s this stackoverflow thread with some very useful exemple code. Unfortunately, it’s old, and […]
March 10, 2017
Release Of EmergeActivity 3.0
It’s been a while since the last release of EmergeActivity. There were some fixes, but nothing really worth a release, so mostly everything was ok. Still, it was based on Qt4/PyQt4, and times passes, so I’ve finally found time to port EmergeActivity to Qt5. That and a few fixes/features seemed enough for me to increment the major number, hence […]
July 18, 2013
Release of EmergeActivity 2.1
Emerge activity is a small PyQt application aimed at Gentoo users that displays an “activity” graph of the emerges. Here’s a typical example on my desktop computer : For those wondering, the huge increase in 2009 is when the Gentoo KDE team decided to split KDE packages, and the drop in 2011 is when I stopped […]
November 9, 2011
EmergeActivity gets a graphical interface: releasing 2.0
I’m still using this small utility that displays the activity of ’emerges’ on the misc gentoo boxes I’m admin for. I’ve wanted to add a graphical interface for very long, but did not have the time… until recently. So here it is. It is available for download from the homepage and as a mercurial clone.
May 18, 2009
feedback about converting eigen2 to mercurial
This week-end we did the final conversion of the eigen2 source code repository. I shall describe here the few problems we had, as a feedback to the community. Eigen original purpose was to help provide linear algebra for several KDE parts. As such, it was until now developed inside the KDE repository, which (still) uses […]