Thomas Capricelli archive
Category: Software
April 3, 2010
Announcing colibri 1.0 alpha1, a mailing list manager with a django based web interface
It has been more than one year now that I’m running my own mailing list software here at freehackers, and I think it is now time to release a first preview of it. Let me introduce Colibri 1.0 alpha1 Colibri is a free software (GPL), based on python and Django. It’s not feature complete, but […]
June 15, 2009
tags displayed in hg activity extension
Today i have added a feature to my hg activity extension. I have wanted to have this for long : the tags are now displayed on the graph. Here are two examples, one of the project itself, and another one on the mercurial repository, but only for the last months. The first one was generated […]
February 12, 2009
First release candidate for Opale
One of my pet projects (A simple bank account manager focused on graphs and planning) is about to reach 1.0. This first release candidate has been tested on several Linux systems and Windows. It can compile against KDE, but Qt is enough. (no, i have not yet tested with KDE/Windows…). So far, the only big […]
November 13, 2008
Yet another activity graph : how often do you emerge ?
Really, I seem to be fond of activity graphs those days. I have reused part of this previous code, but this time I parse the emerge log file to display the activity of your successful emerges. Think of it as a graphical view of ‘genlop -l’. Those examples are the emerge activity of my two […]
November 12, 2008
Full blown kde-aware opale version
Since the release of opale-0.9, I have mostly worked on improving the (optional) KDE integration. And now if KDE is available, opale will use things like : KMainWindow, KApplication (session management..), XML GUI, KFileDialog and specific menu entries (Switch application language, configure shortcuts/toolbars, KDE-aware recent files submenu,…). While I was there, the Qt-only version now […]
November 11, 2008
Opale ported to qt4 and kde4
Opale was an application written using koffice that I use to handle my personal accounts. Long ago I have dropped support for koffice (mainly because of the crappy/undocumented/buggy chart API) and since then opale was a kde-based application. One year ago, i have started porting it to kde4, and, meanwhile, made it a Qt4 application. […]
October 31, 2008
Splitted activity for mercurial
Today I have added new options to the mercurial activity extension and most importantly, it is now possible to have a different curve for each author. It looks like this :
October 31, 2008
Activity extension for mercurial
This is something i’ve really been missing for long in mercurial : a way to display the activity of a repository. No, ‘hg churn’ is not the right answer, I want an idea of when the peaks of development happened. So I have written this small extension. It is based on matplotlib, so you’ll need […]
September 27, 2008
Django browser for Redmine database
Do you know redmine ? This is, to my knowledge, the best project manager you could ever find out there. I like to describe it as ‘trac done well‘. It has only one, big, ugly, fat inconvenient for me : it is written on top of ruby on rails. I could tell you how slow […]
June 26, 2008
Release of Yzis-1.0-alpha1
Ok, here it is, things have finally settled and we are happy to bring you the first alpha release for Yzis. The foundations are stabilizing, and we are now focusing on fixing bugs and porting to different architectures, OSs, and interfaces. What you have so far : nyzis (curses frontend) working under linux. qyzis (Qt […]