Thomas Capricelli archive
Tag: pyqt
March 10, 2017
Release Of EmergeActivity 3.0
It’s been a while since the last release of EmergeActivity. There were some fixes, but nothing really worth a release, so mostly everything was ok. Still, it was based on Qt4/PyQt4, and times passes, so I’ve finally found time to port EmergeActivity to Qt5. That and a few fixes/features seemed enough for me to increment the major number, hence […]
November 27, 2014
Hgactivity 2.2 is released
It’s been a long time since the last maintenance release, and there are several fixes worth releasing. There are also few enhancements, including patches from an external contributor. Thanks Rudy 🙂 Most people are using a clone and just need to update, but for the others, I’ve released tarballs as well. Homepage Announcement Download
July 18, 2013
Release of EmergeActivity 2.1
Emerge activity is a small PyQt application aimed at Gentoo users that displays an “activity” graph of the emerges. Here’s a typical example on my desktop computer : For those wondering, the huge increase in 2009 is when the Gentoo KDE team decided to split KDE packages, and the drop in 2011 is when I stopped […]
September 11, 2012
Bugfix release for hgactivity : 2.1 is out
Several small modifications and bug fixes have landed on the hgactivity repository. For those not using a clone of the repository, I’ve released 2.1. Homepage Announcement Download
November 9, 2011
EmergeActivity gets a graphical interface: releasing 2.0
I’m still using this small utility that displays the activity of ’emerges’ on the misc gentoo boxes I’m admin for. I’ve wanted to add a graphical interface for very long, but did not have the time… until recently. So here it is. It is available for download from the homepage and as a mercurial clone.