Thomas Capricelli archive
Author: Thomas Capricelli

September 18, 2011

A small step forward for the mercurial activity plugin, releasing version 2.0

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo, KDE, Software
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As time goes, my mercurial ‘activity’ plugin has got more and more options. Useful and requested options of course, but still it kinda clobber the –help output and it is more and more cumbersome to play with. This is why I have introduced a new frontend, based on Qt, to play/decide about those options. First, […]

May 13, 2011

How to detect Altivec availability on linux/ppc at runtime

by orzel
Categories: Gentoo, Linux kernel
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It is easy to find information on how to detect the availability of the different SSE instructions sets on the x86 platform.. but this get trickier when you’re looking after AltiVec. This page provide some code and a link explaining why methods based on try and catch exception are bad: I did few modifications […]

April 7, 2011

Mercurial mirror for Django stable branch 1.3

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 5 Comments

Django recently released the 1.3 version, and as such a new ‘stable’ branch was created in subversion. As I did for the 1.2 branch, there’s now a mercurial mirror, following the 1.3 branch. It is updated every (european) night. The 1.2 mirror is not removed, it is still running and maintained. The url for this […]

October 4, 2010

announcing qxv

by orzel
Categories: Gentoo, KDE, Software
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Comments: 2 Comments

Well… you know how it is, you get used to a tool, and even if some brand new software is now available, you keep on using this old stuff. In his case, i’m speaking of xv, whose last release was in 1994. It’s still my default viewer for all image formats in my KDE/firefox/whatever settings. […]

September 9, 2010

New mercurial mirror for Django stable branch 1.2

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

I have tried for the last few years to use one of the mercurial mirrors on to follow Django. Since far before Django 1.0 was released, I was following trunk, but I have switched to the stable branch around Django 1.1. I’ve always had problems with the mirrors on bitbucket, they seem mostly unmaintained. […]

April 3, 2010

Announcing colibri 1.0 alpha1, a mailing list manager with a django based web interface

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django, Gentoo, Software
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Comments: 4 Comments

It has been more than one year now that I’m running my own mailing list software here at freehackers, and I think it is now time to release a first preview of it. Let me introduce Colibri 1.0 alpha1 Colibri is a free software (GPL), based on python and Django. It’s not feature complete, but […]

January 10, 2010

Playing with clang and Qt

by orzel
Categories: Gentoo, KDE
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Comments: 9 Comments

You might know that there’s a new kid in the C++ compilers list ; clang. Llvm has been around for quite some time, but until recently the only way to make use of it was through the somehow cumbersome llvm-gcc which binds the gcc C/C++ frontend to the llvm backend. People (mostly Apple) have been […]

November 22, 2009

How to use flex and bison with qmake (my own way)

by orzel
Categories: Gentoo, KDE
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Comments: 7 Comments

qmake (sort of) supports lex/yacc, but modern people prefer to use flex/bison. If you google, you can find some tricks like convincing qmake that yacc is spelled ‘bison’ and so on.  Morever qmake supports for lex/yacc has several drawbacks, such as weird naming scheme, and (when using the tricks), dependencies are not building files in […]

November 10, 2009

Wonders from a KDE fan and developer about some KDE design choices

by orzel
Categories: Gentoo, KDE
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Comments: 43 Comments

Technologies going forward.. Twenty years ago, I was reading some books about Unix at the local library. By the time, it was really difficult for me to see, touch, or test an actual unix system and reading books was the closest I could get. I remember that among the numerous very good ideas ™ in […]

July 27, 2009

Installing an avr cross compiler in gentoo

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo
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One could think that this is as easy as crossdev avr but it is not, so i write here how I did it for future reference, and hopefully this will also be useful to other people. The first problem is that it does not check compatibility between toolchain members (binutils, gcc, …). Understandably, this is […]