November 13, 2008
Yet another activity graph : how often do you emerge ?
Really, I seem to be fond of activity graphs those days. I have reused part of this previous code, but this time I parse the emerge log file to display the activity of your successful emerges. Think of it as a graphical view of ‘genlop -l’.
Those examples are the emerge activity of my two main computers.
The current code does the bare minimum, and I need to add at least command line options for
- logfile to use (currently/default : /var/log/emerge.log)
- filename to create (currently/default : activity.png)
- width/height of the image (currently/default : 800×600)
The usage is straightforward:
orzel@berlioz EmergeActivity% ./
There are 9896 emerge completed successfully
Created the file 'activity.png'
orzel@berlioz EmergeActivity% xv activity.png &
You can grab the source (browse, tarballs, mercurial clone, even RSS) from :