August 26, 2020

Mirrors migrated out of bitbucket

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django, Linux kernel
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As you are probably aware, bitbucket is dead. At least the original bitbucket as we knew it, the leader in mercurial hosting. They no longer host mercurial repositories, so I had to move my kernel and Django mirrors. They are now hosted on my own heptapod instance, at the following URL: I did the […]

September 10, 2019

Django mercurial mirrors updates

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

Time to clean up my mercurial mirrors as Django 3.0 has just had its first alpha released. Keeping an eye on the supported versions, I did the following changes: Added mirror for 3.0 branch : Removed mirror for 1.8 branch Removed mirror for 1.9 branch Removed mirror for 1.10 branch Branch 2.0 is officially […]

February 11, 2019

Mercurial Mirror For Django 2.1 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

I’m slightly late on this one, but here it is. For the record, main purposes of this mirror are: being a lightweight read-only repository to clone from for production servers hide the ugly git stuff behind a great mercurial interface The clone is at the usual location at bitbucket, from which you can browse, clone, […]

October 17, 2017

Mercurial Mirror For Django 2.0 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

The first Beta was released today, so it seems a good day to start the mirror for the 2.0 branch of Django. For the record, main purposes of this mirror are: being a lightweight read-only repository to clone from for production servers hide the ugly git stuff behind a great mercurial interface The clone is […]

March 10, 2017

Release Of EmergeActivity 3.0

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo, Software
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It’s been a while since the last release of EmergeActivity. There were some fixes, but nothing really worth a release, so mostly everything was ok. Still, it was based on Qt4/PyQt4, and times passes, so I’ve finally found time to port EmergeActivity to Qt5. That and a few fixes/features seemed enough for me to increment the major number, hence […]

February 21, 2017

Mercurial Mirror For Django 1.11 Branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

Here is our usual “production” mirror, aimed at: being a lightweight read-only repository to clone from for production servers hide the ugly git stuff behind a great mercurial interface The clone is at the usual location at bitbucket, from which you can browse, clone, update, …

June 22, 2016

Mercurial Mirror For Django 1.10 branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

Following the recent 1.10-beta1 release, here is our usual “production” mirror, aimed at: being a lightweight read-only repository to clone from for production servers hide the ugly git stuff behind a great mercurial interface The clone  is at the usual location at bitbucket, from which you can browse, clone, update, …

April 17, 2016

System Administration

Using keystone 9.0.0 (Mitaka) with gunicorn and nginx

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Gentoo
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(all of this is done in Gentoo, but this is mostly irrelevant here). With the Mitaka release, keystone expects a WSGI server of some sort. The ‘canonical’ documentation is focused on apache + uwsgi. Apache is so old school, I haven’t used it at all since .. 2010 or so I think. I have nothing against uwsgi […]

February 28, 2016

Mercurial Mirror For Django 1.9 branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

I forgot to mention it, but I’ve created the 1.9 “production” mirror at the usual location: As a reminder, those mirrors have two purposes: be a lightweight read-only repository to clone from for production servers hide the ugly git stuff behind a great mercurial interface The clone  is at the usual location at bitbucket, from which […]

January 17, 2015

Mercurial Mirror For Django 1.8 branch

by orzel
Categories: Admin, Django
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Comments: 1 Comment

Another year, another alpha release for Django and … another “production” mirror for me and anybody else interested. Django has just released the first alpha for Django-1.8. As usual, I create the mirror as soon as the corresponding branch is opened (stable/1.8.x), but this is still alpha stuff for you to test, not anything stable you […]