January 31, 2024

Custom logo on miniware MHP50
The documentation is pretty terse: “160×80 pixels 16-bit (RGB656) BMP”. Here’s how it can be done, at least from linux, but probably also from most other operating systems.
From what I understand, neither gimp
nor (imagemagick) convert
can create them. That’s kinda shocking as those were the most obvious choices, and linux tools have a (well deserved) reputation of handling the most obscure and old formats of whatever.
bmp save dialog does provide some rudimentary options, but not those.
You could think convert
would do it using something like this, but you would be wrong, the resulting file still uses 4 bytes per pixel, as confirmed by ls
and file
convert whatever.png -define bmp:subtype=RGB565 logoin.bmp
% ls -l logoin.bmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 orzel users 51338 30 gen 20.08 logoin.bmp
% file logoin.bmp
logoin.bmp: PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer format, 160 x 80 x 32, cbSize 51338, bits offset 138
Finally, what actually works is ffmpeg
. The mhp50 will actually recognized a file created using this command line:
ffmpeg -i whatever.png -pix_fmt rgb565 -y logoin.bmp