February 19, 2013
AMD r600 gpu backend on Gentoo
The current situation is rather messy with respect to the AMD r600 GPU backend : it has been merged on llvm, but not yet released. The problem is that, on gentoo, the USE flag “r600-llvm-compiler” requires this backend. As a result, it was not possible since ~christmas to compile mesa-9999 with it.
The backend is merged, but still depends on a configure flag to be compiled, and as such, merging llvm-9999 won’t help you. So the first thing is to enable it. What i do is to have a copy on my local overlay with the following change:
--- /usr/portage/sys-devel/llvm/llvm-9999.ebuild 2013-02-03 01:01:30.000000000 +0100 +++ llvm-9999-r1.ebuild 2013-02-13 23:21:58.450578986 +0100 @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ src_configure() { local CONF_FLAGS="--enable-shared + --enable-experimental-targets=R600 --with-optimize-option= $(use_enable !debug optimized) $(use_enable debug assertions)
But then, mesa-9999[r600-llvm-compiler] will not compile neither because of some compilation problem due to some desynchronisation between mesa and llvm.
Until today! A commit done today fix those compilation stuff, thanx Tom 🙂