Release of Colibri 1.0-beta2

Time flies, and I haven’t made any release of Colibri for a long time, despite it being used in production and bug being fixed as they are found. So here it is. No shiny new feature there, it’s mostly about bug fixing, code cleaning and updating the code. More importantly:

If you update from 1.0-beta1 or previous, you will need to migrate the database. Here is what need to be done

Yes, I know about south or other Django migration tools. I do even use south on other Django projects. But I didn’t feel like it was necessary to add the dependency just for this.


As usual, you can get the code from the mercurial repository or from the File tab in the labs.

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 Comments (5) 

  1. Eric says:

    Hi, Thomas. I have a question about Colibri.

    I am looking at the source, and see that sending email is done through connection.sendmail() — but I can’t find this method in django.core.mail anywhere. How does this work?

  2. Indeed, this is an undocumented internal function from Django. This is needed because all ‘official’ Django mail-related functions require the use of a Message object.

    The Django SMTP mail backend has a “connection” attribute, which is actually created by python smtplib, and we use it directly. This is not available with other backends (file, console..).

    (better use the ‘contact’ form on this website to ask me this kind of question, though).

  3. You can check django/core/mail/backends/, method to see where connection.connection is created, and then refer to the python documentation.

  4. Marco Farinelli says:

    I would very much like to test Colibrì, reminding me of an instrumental powerful song by Incognito, but I don’t know where to start after unzipping it: I sse there are no *.exe files nor a setup one. Thank you Mr Thomas if you could give me the opportunity to test it, and if it is freeware: willing to donate. Thank you, Marco

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